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(Not Responding)

I’m still struggling with computer issues and am having difficulty staying online for any length of time.

Weighing my options, it may well be time for a new machine.


Forgive me while I continue to struggle with the technology. I do have pens and paper, but it’s so hard to find stamps these days.

10 Minutes at a Time

I’ve always struggled with clutter. Sometimes it gets worse, sometimes gets better, but it’s always been a challenge for me.

Over the years I have made some progress and I have gained some wisdom. I’ve also had some help due to my acquaintance with Gayle Goddard, aka The Clutter Fairy.

In the interest of full disclosure, I …[MORE]

Start Before You're Ready

Start before you’re ready. That particular wording comes from author Steven Pressfield, but the lesson is an old one that I keep finding illustrated in new ways all the time. It’s like the old saying: If you wait until you’re ready to have kids, you’ll never have them.

By the same reasoning, every large undertaking in life seems to …[MORE]

Arm Wrestling with Satan

My laptop is in a potential death struggle with Bill Gates, and while the war will no doubt be lost in the end, I still hope to survive this battle. I’m in no mood to go computer shopping.

If I don’t post here for a day or two, it’s probably technical issues. If I’m absent longer …[MORE]

The Kind of Special We Can Do Without

A friend recently shared a story of her visit to Carlsbad Caverns. Despite repeated requests from the rangers and prominent signage advising visitors not to touch the limestone structures, several members of her group repeatedly stroked every stalactite and stalagmite within reach.

Do you think they didn’t hear, read, or understand?

Or do you think they simply felt that …[MORE]

Does the Dalai Lama Tweet?

Not too long ago, I saw a brief video showing five or six traditional Buddhist monks, with their shorn heads and saffron robes. They were wandering alongside a lake-shore edged with blossoming cherry trees. The weather was gorgeous, the scenery breathtaking. And what were these monks—every single one of them—doing?

Gazing at their smart phones.

It seems …[MORE]

Click Here If You've Lost Your Password

Ages ago, an ingenuous young friend said to me, “Computers sure do simplicate things.” I laughed for days, and I’ve never forgotten it.

Decades later, my life is so simplicated I can hardly stand it. In the course of a normal working day I might have launched and used as many as 18 different software applications and user interfaces. Each …[MORE]

Make Mine Peach

As I settle in at the keyboard with the morning’s last cup of coffee, I see that it is Pi Day.

I have a long and rocky history with the number pi. My first introduction to it in math class produced an hysterical headache that lasted for days. The whole idea was so…irrational. Dissonance deafened me. …[MORE]

Words of the Day

From the time I resurrected this blog, I determined not to let the current political quagmire seep into it. I pointedly avoid my own political posts on Facebook, as I dislike when others do it incessantly.

Anyone who knows me, knows where I stand. I’m not shy and I’m not cowed. I just have other priorities, both for my Facebook …[MORE]


I’m lazy. There’s no couching it politely or pretending it’s not true. I can make a sloth nervous.

Since there’s been no compelling need to drive me, I have not been getting any regular exercise. I know better. I’ve intended all along to incorporate daily activity into my routine. I just haven’t done it yet.

Any time I weighed the decision of …[MORE]