It’s an old story: One man defends another against claims of sexual harassment, because the accused is known by him to be a “good person”. The clear message is that since a good person would never do such a thing, this man must be innocent.
It never seems to occur to the apologist that a person actually prone to
…That it took all day long to get a blog post up today:
10. I had to feed the cat
9. I had to feed the dog
8. I had to walk the dog
7. I had to carry the dog to the car
6. I had to take the dog to the vet
5. I had to hold the dog
I’ve reached an impasse with the new dog. He reacts to an open car door with stark terror. I knew this from the first day, of course, when I brought him home from the shelter. Since we had a lot of various traumas and adjustments going on, I let the issue of car rides pend for a while.
I planned a
The book I’m currently reading is an historical novel set in the Versailles palace of King Louis XIV. There are extensive descriptions of the palace and its trappings, the Sun King himself and all the courtiers who surround him, and the intricacies of their daily lives.
While I knew the times to be both extravagant and debauched, I didn’t
Anyone who knows me knows that I don’t Facebook much, just enough to know that “Facebook” is now used as a verb as well as a noun.
When I do go to Facebook, it’s usually for just a few minutes and I just scan through a few things until I get to the place I left last or until I no
This is the first post from the new computer. It’s been every bit the ordeal I feared it would be.
First, of course, there’s all the setup, download, update, register, etc., etc., etc. That’s taken hours all in itself.
Then you go through it all again for the software applications you are actually going to use.
After all those hurdles are clear, there’s
Since I’ve been struggling with an unstable computer lately, I keep revisiting the question of whether or not to move on to the next device. I hesitate to spend unnecessary money, so I am reluctant to commit to a purchase. Still, each day I spend an inordinate amount of time wrestling with a laptop that is tied in knots.
Yesterday I let myself
I’m at the mercy of my own self-indulgent nature when I get a food craving. I’m not saying I have no self-control. I can resist for days, weeks, even months, but when the craving runs deep it will not be denied indefinitely. Sooner or later, I must give in.
Given that eventuality, my usual reaction is to go ahead and indulge, just to
Working with my fellow Toastmasters, we regularly discuss the topic of fear. Fear of public speaking is the obvious place we start, but we soon expand that idea into the larger subject of the comfort zone and the need to face fears in order to grow. That challenge to face down one’s fears in the
When it comes to technological innovation, I’m generally a very late adopter. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if some of my friends consider me a near-Luddite.
I don’t hate technology per se, but I do believe that 85% of it is meaningless noise and pointless consumerism. I’m only interested in those aspects of tech that actually improve
About shelbajo.com Of all the blogs in all the world, this is the only one for which Shelba Jo is wholly responsible.
It includes fiction and nonfiction, sense and nonsense, truth and lies.
I leave it to you to decide what is what.