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Birthmarks, Scars and Tattoos

Most of us have some sort of birthmark. They are nature’s little reminder of our individuality. Birthmarks range from negligible smudges of melanin to large, embarrassing blotches. Some birthmarks remain mostly hidden beneath clothing, while others are visible, even prominent. Birthmarks are the hands dealt us. They come with the skin we’re in and nothing …[MORE]


Baked. Flat. Crisp. Brown. Crunchy. Delectable.


The closest thing I’ve found to manna.

The Яussians Are Coming! The Яussians Are Coming!

There are some metrics attached to a blog, so I can look at numbers and graphs to see how many people come here and when, etc. I also get an email letting me know when someone new registers on the blog.

It’s been a long time since there’s been anything in the way of emails received, so I took notice one …[MORE]

Econ 101

I’m confused.

I read the news and I see good signs. Unemployment is down, the stock market is up, the national mood is optimistic.

Then I read further and I see the bad signs. Americans can’t afford basic needs like housing and food. Americans have no savings. Americans are shackled by health care and education debt and have no …[MORE]

Play Ball

In all the sound and fury and conflation of anthems, patriotism, rights, pride, responsibilities and civil incivility, here are two things to keep in mind.

Our government, in the form of local police departments, is gunning down with impunity certain types of innocent citizens in the streets. This, and only this, is the point. All else is obfuscation. Are you okay …[MORE]

The Question

I’ve been retired for a year and a half now. Whenever I visit with friends and acquaintances, I get the inevitable question: “What are you doing in retirement?”

I’m running out of clever and deflecting ways of saying, “Nothing.”

You see, that was the whole idea. I’ve worked full time all my adult life. All I ever did was yearn …[MORE]

The Working Mother Paradox

This blogging stuff is something of a conundrum. When I’m not doing it, I really feel like I’m neglecting something important. I feel like I have something to say, and I’m somehow falling short by not getting out there and saying it. I recall the activity with nostalgic longing, and decide over and over again that I need to get back to it.

When …[MORE]


When I began posting again last year, I only mentioned it to a person or two. The new posts didn’t show on Facebook anymore, and I didn’t do anything to promote the blog’s return. As far as I knew, no one was reading it; so when I stopped, I figured no one would notice.

In fact, …[MORE]

100 Words: Relativity

Timing is everything. Alarm clocks start us out on time. The vicissitudes of traffic determine whether or not we arrive on time. The time clock—actual, virtual or implicit—measures out our working day. Then it’s happy hour, rush hour, drive time, dinner time, prime time, bedtime. Every moment of our lives seems crammed and stretched. When will we ever find the time?

But we’ve …[MORE]

Freedom vs. Control

I’ve been going through some issues with my new dog Buddy. We’re struggling with the line between freedom and control, and we’re both pulling in different directions.

He’s a cattle dog. He needs to run. He aches to run. The problem is he isn’t trained to come back when called. Running loose, he’s a danger to himself and others. …[MORE]