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I Got the Music in Me

I’ve always been a big music fan. I remember the Beatles’ Ed Sullivan appearance vividly. I thrilled to the Monkees. I listened to the radio, played 45s on my portable record player and danced along with the TV dance shows from the earliest years I can remember.

One of my first big dollar purchases was a component stereo system. …[MORE]

Balancing Act

I was talking with a friend the other day and the subject of stress arose. I had to admit that when it comes to stress, I’m on the low end of the curve. Without a roommate, partner or children, my daily stresses are pretty much limited to bills and traffic.

The sources of our daily stress are often beyond our control, …[MORE]

It Starts Badly, But Gets Better

One of the reasons I last disrupted this blog was my despair over the current political situation. I didn’t want my blog to spiral into a downward descent of ranting, but I wasn’t sure I could avoid it. Once or twice I’ve been moved to compose a long, impassioned essay about some hot potato or other, but so far …[MORE]

Pretty Damn Scary

I watch a lot of YouTube. Not only do I directly search for some videos, I also do a lot of clicking around on the other suggested links that load with every selected video. It’s a bit like going down the rabbit hole. You just never know what you’re likely to find.

Over the years I have found some pretty dark …[MORE]

Happy Dance

Pardon me while I crank up the stereo and dance around the house in my underwear.

I made my last car payment this morning! She ain’t much, but now she’s totally mine.

Weather Report

A summer storm has blown up suddenly. The dog sought refuge under the table at the first rumble of thunder, and the cat is hugging my lap like she loves me.

It’s nice to understand the weather. But seeking animal comfort is okay, too.

Poetic Thoughts

Somewhere around the age of 13, I stumbled across a thin volume of poetry with the inscrutable title Reflections on a Gift of Watermelon Pickle. I was hooked. The entire collection impressed me so deeply that I never forgot any single verse within. While I held on to my deteriorating paperback copy for decades, it eventually went the way …[MORE]

To Sleep ... Perchance To Dream

My dream life is pretty mundane. I don’t dream a lot, or at least don’t remember dreaming much. What dreams I do recall are the usual pastiche of daily sights, events, stresses and thoughts.

I’ve never had recurring dreams either, strictly speaking, but there is one sort of sleep experience that has always been with me. I occasionally awake …[MORE]


Just not feeling it today. Tune in again tomorrow.

The Thing Often Left Unsaid

There have been a couple of high profile suicides lately. Consequently, there is a lot of suicide outreach going on in the media and online. I support that. I understand depression and I know that suicidal trains of thought are usually temporary and just need to be shunted onto a new track. Awareness, outreach, intervention are all good things.

If …[MORE]