Baked. Flat. Crisp. Brown. Crunchy. Delectable.
The closest thing I’ve found to manna.
Baked. Flat. Crisp. Brown. Crunchy. Delectable. Bacon! The closest thing I’ve found to manna. In all the sound and fury and conflation of anthems, patriotism, rights, pride, responsibilities and civil incivility, here are two things to keep in mind. Our government, in the form of local police departments, is gunning down with impunity certain types of innocent citizens in the streets. This, and only this, is the point. All else is obfuscation. Are you okay [MORE] There is one eccentricity of human behavior that leaves me dumbfounded. That’s when people will turn their backs on a successful strategy which achieves their goal, and embrace instead a failed strategy that makes them look and feel good. There are a number of examples in our modern American life, but the one that made today’s headlines [MORE] In a volunteer organization, there is always a need to fill roles. Groups need leadership, administration, coordination of regular events, planning of special events, and lots of “warm bodies” to make everything go well. Since it can be a challenge to fill these roles, there is a tendency to call on a few select individuals again [MORE] There’s a big brouhaha in the news about United Airlines and their moment of infamy when a video surfaced showing them dragging a paying, protesting passenger from one of their planes. There is one story of overbooking and repeated appeals for passengers to leave voluntarily. There are hints of “more to the story” as investigations continue. [MORE] While I grew up right along with the computer age and learned coding before I learned to earn a living, there’s still a lot I don’t understand about modern day cyber-abilities. One of the great things about today’s information age is Google. I must admit I love Google, keep it as my home page, use it daily and rarely do [MORE] I don’t approve of censorship in any form. I think it is vital for a free society to resist any and all attempts at censorship. In daily life this can be a hard line to walk, though, because often censorship is seen as the moral, responsible solution. I don’t appreciate the dubbing or beeping of movies based on some [MORE] I’ve always struggled with clutter. Sometimes it gets worse, sometimes gets better, but it’s always been a challenge for me. Over the years I have made some progress and I have gained some wisdom. I’ve also had some help due to my acquaintance with Gayle Goddard, aka The Clutter Fairy. In the interest of full disclosure, I [MORE] A friend recently shared a story of her visit to Carlsbad Caverns. Despite repeated requests from the rangers and prominent signage advising visitors not to touch the limestone structures, several members of her group repeatedly stroked every stalactite and stalagmite within reach. Do you think they didn’t hear, read, or understand? Or do you think they simply felt that [MORE] What’s Plan B? That can be the most important question, and one that is often not asked. A few years back, my golden retriever hurt a leg. Since she was clearly impaired and seemed to be in pain, we went off to the vet. After a thorough physical exam, the vet diagnosed a torn ACL. “We can fix that,” [MORE] |
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