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Words of the Day

From the time I resurrected this blog, I determined not to let the current political quagmire seep into it. I pointedly avoid my own political posts on Facebook, as I dislike when others do it incessantly.

Anyone who knows me, knows where I stand. I’m not shy and I’m not cowed. I just have other priorities, both for my Facebook postings and my blog. There may be an outlet added to the blog one day that will be politically charged, but it will be set aside and not imposed on readers. That’s the idea, anyway.

Today I went online to look up a word definition. While I was there, I looked up a couple of other words. At some point, I scrolled down the page and found the widget where Merriam-Webster tracks its Top 5 Trending Words. Here are today’s Top 5, with an implied face-palm for sure, but no further comment:


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