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I am a priest, laboring over a papyrus. Mine are the sacred symbols. With them, I extol the victories of our glorious ruler and invoke the protection of the gods. My symbols may be carved in stone, but their message is aimed at the stars.

I am a young nobleman, scribe to the king. I kneel over a wet clay tablet and cut wedged …[MORE]

100 Words: Accountant

Stacks of spreadsheets weigh down his desk. He has three calculators, five wooden pencils, and three mechanical pencils. He spends his days in meetings, discussing amortization, cost centers, investment schedules, tax accounting and inventory management. His mastery of formulas is legendary. Everyone comes to him for help when their spreadsheets don’t perform properly.

He never wears jeans on casual …[MORE]


This is a writing exercise, done in response to the prompt “Not wearing it”.

They think I am a child. They think I can’t possibly understand the intricacies of politics or the machinations of intrigue. They think that in time I will come to appreciate all the benefits of palace life and embrace the role I was …[MORE]